“올해 전남 확실히 다르다”…7년 동안 잠든 용 깨울 여의주, ‘가물치’ 김현석 감독이 전한다

‘가물치’ 김현석 감독은 7년 동안 승격을 못한 전남 드래곤즈를 K리그1으로 올려놓아야 하는 막중한 임무를 맡았다. 7년의 한을 끝내기 위해 전남은 대대적인 투자에 나서고 있다.

전남은 K리그 전통의 구단이다. 1994년 창단을 했고 수많은 전설들이 거쳐갔다. 김태영, 마시엘 ,김남일, 지동원, 김진규, 모따 등 나열하기 어려울 정도로 K리그를 빛낸 선수들이 활약한 곳이다. 확실한 유스 시스템으로 유명한 팀이기도 하다. 리그 우승 기록은 없지만 코리아컵에서 4회나 우승을 했으며 2021년에도 우승을 해 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 챔피언스리그(ACL)에 나갔다.

지난 2018년 최종 12위를 차지하며 강등이 됐다. 무려 7년째 K리그2에 머물고 있다. K리그2에서 순위를 보면 6위, 6위, 4위, 11위, 7위, 4위다. 상위권에 올라 플레이오프를 치르기도 했지만 끝내 올라가지 못했다. 전남의 명성에 크게 흠이 간 6년이었다. 이제 K리그2 7년차를 맞은 전남은 충남아산에서 성과를 낸 김현석 감독을 선임했다. 파워볼사이트

김현석 감독은 22일 ‘인터풋볼’과 태국 방콕 현지에서 진행한 인터뷰에서 “인생은 도전이다. 항상 매 순간 도전을 했다. 선수로서, 감독으로서 도전을 해 결국 결과를 냈다. 남들은 늦었다고 했던 프로 감독으로 부임하고서도 성과를 냈다. 그 바탕엔 자신감이 깔려 있었다. 전남에서도 그 정신을 이어가려고 한다”고 각오를 다졌다. 카지노사이트

김현석 감독의 목표와 포부는 확실했다. 전남에서의 도전도 성공으로 결과를 짓겠다는 생각이었다. 전남도 김현석 감독을 믿고 투자를 했다. 발디비아가 남았고 레안드로, 호난, 알베르띠 등 수준급의 외인들이 합류했다. 김경재, 정지용, 류광현, 이준, 노동건, 장효준, 정강민 등 전 포지션에 선수가 영입되면서 전남을 승격 후보로 꼽는 이들이 많아졌다.

과거 전남은 스쿼드가 얇거나 특정 포지션 선수가 부족해 어려운 시기를 겪다가 승점을 잃을 때가 많았다. 이번 시즌은 그 문제를 해결하기 위해 포지션 전방위적으로 영입을 하면서 스쿼드를 채웠다.

김현석호는 방콕에서 구슬땀을 흘리고 있다. 김현석 감독은 발디비아에게 주장 완장을 줬고 나이별로 소통 창구를 만들기 위해 김경재, 김예성, 박태용을 부주장으로 선임했다. 신입생들을 챙기면서도 기존 선수들과 조합에도 신경을 쓰고 있다. “밤잠을 설친다. 제대로 자지 못한다. 생각이 꼬리에 꼬리를 문다”라고 하면서 부담감도 가지고 있음을 드러냈다. 파워볼사이

그만큼 기대감도 있다. 주장이자 에이스인 발디비아는 “올해 전남은 확실히 다를 거라는 생각이 있다. 훈련을 할 때 선수들을 보면 ‘우리랑 싸워서 이길 수 있는 팀이 몇 팀이나 될까’라는 생각을 한다. 작년이랑 다른 전남을 보여줄 것이다. 우리의 목표는 K리그1 승격뿐이다”고 말했다.

레안드로는 “전남은 좋은 조건들을 다 갖춘 팀이다. 모든 경기를 이기겠다는 생각으로 시즌을 준비하고 있다. 선수들 면면도 더 화려해졌다. K리그1에서 뛰던 선수들, K리그2에서 상대로 만났을 때 좋았던 선수들, 경험 많은 선수들이 많다. 선수층이 두꺼워졌다고 느껴진다. 해볼 만하다고 생각도 든다”고 말했고 이어 “김현석 감독님도 충남아산에서 좋은 성적을 기록하고 전남으로 오셨다. 긍정적인 분이라 감독님만 잘 따라가면 K리그1 승격이 가능할 거라고 믿는다”고 김현석 감독을 추켜세웠다.

유지하는 “전남에 온지 4년차가 됐는데 가장 동계훈련을 착실히 준비하는 것 같다. 여러모로 긍정적이다. 축구적 대화도 일상생활에서도 계속하고 쉬는 시간에도 축구 이야기만 한다. 서로 보이지 않는 곳에서 선수들도, 스태프들도 노력 중이다”고 전남 4년차 수비수로서 느낌 감정을 밝혔다.

전남이 가진 7년의 한을 김현석 감독이 풀 수 있을까 주목된다. 힘이 빠진 용에게 여의주를 물어다 준다면 전남은 과거의 명성을 회복해 다시 K리그를 선도하는 팀으로 나아갈 수 있을 것이다. 슬롯사이트

Its Hwang Seon-hong, Who Won by Sweat Against Kyrgyzstan

Hwang Seon-hong-ho, Who Won by Sweat Against Kyrgyzstan… Disappointing with the content of the game

Handles the ball in a hurry to pressure the opponent, lacks detailed passing play in the midfield

The U-22 national soccer team led by coach Hwang Seon-hong won against Kyrgyzstan in the first qualifying round for the 2024 Paris Olympics, but was disappointed by the frustrating match.

The U-22 soccer team led by coach Hwang Seon-hong defeated Kyrgyzstan 1-0 in the second match of Group B of the 2024 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) U-23 Asian Cup group stage held at the Changwon Soccer Center in Gyeongnam on the 9th.

Hwang Seon-hong, who was defeated 0-2 by Qatar in the first game on the 6th,

aimed to turn the situation around with a big win against Kyrgyzstan, which was considered ‘a level below’. 카지노

Paris Olympics

However, when we opened the lid, Hwang Seon-hong, who is aiming for a ticket to the 2024 Paris Olympics finals, showed unsatisfactory performance.

There was only one cool score.

In the 3rd minute of the first half, ‘foreigner’ Jeong Sang-bin (Minnesota) ran down the right side, broke down Kyrgyzstan’s defensive line, and rushed to the goal, passing to Hong Yun-sang (Pohang),

who hit the top corner of the goal with a right-footed non-stop shot from the front of the goal.

The stab was all that scored that day.

Korea, which succeeded in taking the lead in the early stages,

attempted to score additional points by recording 10 shots (4 effective shots) on this day,

but other than the first goal, all goals were ineffective, once again showing its lack of goal-making ability.

Oh Jae-hyuk

In the 18th minute of the first half, Oh Jae-hyuk (Jeonbuk)’s forward cross was headed by Kim Shin-jin (Seoul) in front of the goal,

but it missed the side of the goal, and in the 25th minute,

Kim Shin-jin’s low right-footed shot in front of the goal was blocked by the goalkeeper.

Three minutes later, in a mixed situation at the goal after a right corner kick,

Jo Wi-je (Busan)’s left-footed shot went wide over the crossbar, causing disappointment.

After Hong Yun-sang’s cross, Oh Jae-hyuk’s right-footed shot and Baek Sang-hoon’s (Seoul) header just before the end of the first half also missed the goal.

Gwangju FC Duo

Gwangju FC duo Heo Yul and Uhm Seong, who entered the field as substitutes in the 29th minute of the second half,

attempted to score an additional point with a combination play, but Uhm Uhm Seong’s cross did not properly reach Heo Yul.

The process leading up to the shooting was not easy.

Korea only succeeded in scoring in the early part of the first half,

but the flow of attack was interrupted several times due to missed passes.

The Midfield

In the midfield, they were unable to advance forward and made frequent back passes, so despite scoring the first goal,

they were unable to completely take control of the game due to a lack of detailed play.

It was also seen that the ball was not distributed smoothly to the front line attack area

due to the opponent’s dense defense and hand-to-hand defense.

Even in the process of building up from behind, the opponent put more forward pressure than expected,

so he was in a hurry to kick the ball forward, and in his haste,

he got stuck and gave up possession of the ball.

This led to a counterattack by the opponent, and the defense was finally able to block it, and was heartbroken.

Even in defensive situations, they were unable to properly clear the ball, resulting in an unstable situation as they were unable to properly cut off the opponent’s attack opportunities.

It was a comforting fact that Jeong Sang-bin swept the opponent’s side with his high speed,

Hong Yun-sang penetrated into the front line several times by dribbling with light movements.

Naturally, attention is focused on whether Hwang Seon-hong has secured a ticket to Paris.

Asian Cup

In this preliminary round, a team must finish first in its group or be in the top four among the second-place teams out of 11 groups to advance to the U-23 Asian Cup finals held in April-May next year,

the final qualifying round for the Paris Olympics.

In the AFC U-23 Asian Cup finals, only the top three players can advance to the 2024 Paris Olympics.

With the victory that day, Korea accumulated 3 points and ranked first in Group B, is about to face the ‘weaker’ Myanmar in the final match on the 12th.

Even if Hwang Seon-hong passes the group stage and advances to the Asian Cup finals,

I am worried whether he will be able to place in the top three with this level of performance.

He must defeat Japan, which has recently shown improved performance, ‘difficult enemy’ Iran, as well as Australia and Saudi Arabia.

The remaining task is to resolve the anxiety of his defensive situation, refine his detailed passing play during the build-up process, his ability to dominate the midfield, and his sophistication in set-piece situations.

Its Hwang Seon-hong Wins in AFC U-23 Asian Cup Qualifiers

Hwang Seon-hong Wins 1-0 Against Kyrgyzstan in AFC U-23 Asian Cup qualifiers

Hong Yun-sang scores the winning goal 3 minutes into the first half… Korea, 1st place in Group B

The U-22 national soccer team, led by coach Hwang Seon-hong,

won for the first time in the second game of the first qualifying round for the 2024 Paris Olympics with Hong Yun-sang (Pohang)’s winning goal.

AFC U-23 Asian Cup

Korea defeated Kyrgyzstan 1-0 in the second match of Group B of the 2024 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) U-23 Asian Cup group stage held at the Changwon Football Center in Gyeongnam on the 9th.

This preliminary round is a competition that determines the teams that will advance to next year’s AFC U-23 Asian Cup, the final Asian qualifying round for the Paris Olympics, and is the first gateway to the Paris Olympics.

A total of 16 teams, including the first place team in each of the 11 preliminary groups, 바카라사이트

the top four teams among the second place teams in each group, and the host country Qatar, will compete to advance to Paris in the U-23 Asian Cup finals to be held in April-May 2024.

Tickets to Paris will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams in the Asian Cup finals.


Korea, which earned 3 points against Kyrgyzstan, ranked first in Group B with 1 win.

Myanmar (1 point) was in 2nd place, and Kyrgyzstan (1 point), which was behind Myanmar in goal difference, was in 3rd place.

Korea will be confirmed to advance to the AFC U-23 Asian Cup finals by finishing first in the group just by drawing a draw with Myanmar held at the same venue on the 12th.


In the match against Qatar held on the 6th, Korea lost 0-2, but since Qatar will advance to the finals as the host country for the 2024 AFC U-23 Asian Cup finals,

the match against Qatar will not be reflected in the Group B rankings.

Korea, which was anxious after losing against Qatar,

needed to win against Kyrgyzstan that day to advance to the U-23 Asian Cup finals.

Hwang Seon-Hong-ho placed Kim Shin-jin (Seoul), Jeong Sang-bin (Minnesota), and Hong Yun-sang in the front line,

sent Oh Jae-hyuk (Jeonbuk), Kwon Hyuk-gyu (Celtic), and Baek Sang-hoon (Seoul) to the second line.

The back four consisted of Lee Tae-seok (Seoul), Jo Seong-kwon (Gimpo),

Jo Wi-je (Busan), and Park Chang-woo (Jeonbuk), and the goal was guarded by Kim Jeong-hoon (Jeonbuk).

1st Half

In the 3rd minute of the first half, Jeong Sang-bin, who ran down the right side and broke Kyrgyzstan’s defensive line,

sent a low cross toward the goal, and Hong Yun-sang, who was rushing toward the goal,

hit the top corner of the goal with a right-footed non-stop shot from the penalty area.

Korea, who took the lead with the first goal, continued to pound on Kyrgyzstan’s goal,

looking for opportunities to score additional goals.

Kim Shin-jin

In the 18th minute of the first half, Korea’s Oh Jae-hyuk kicked a cross forward and Kim Shin-jin headed it in the goal area, but it missed the side of the goal.

In the 25th minute of the first half, Kim Shin-jin’s low right-footed shot from the penalty area in front of the goal was blocked by the goalkeeper.

Three minutes later, in a mixed situation at the goal after a right corner kick,

Jo Wi-je’s left-footed shot went wide over the crossbar, causing disappointment.

Throughout the first half, the flow was frequently interrupted due to missed passes in the defensive zone and midfield.

Korea, which recorded three effective shots in the first half, faced a strong counterattack from Kyrgyzstan in the second half.

Hwang Seon-hong

Coach Hwang Seon-hong tried to change the attack by substituting Lee Hyeon-joo (Wiesbaden) and Min Kyung-hyeon (Incheon)

instead of Jeong Sang-bin and Park Chang-woo in the 14th minute of the second half.

Immediately after entering the game, Lee Hyun-joo showed off his light movements by beating two opposing defenders in the left penalty area and then connecting with a right-footed shot.

However, in the 10th and 26th minutes of the second half,

they were heartbroken by allowing a mid-range shot after a counterattack twice.

Gwangju FC Duo

Coach Hwang Seon-hong aimed for additional goals by bringing in Gwangju FC duo

Heo Yul and Um Ji-seong in the 29th minute of the second half,

Lee Jin-yong (Daegu) in the 36th minute of the second half.

In the 41st minute of the second half, Uhm Seong drove the ball through the left flank and crossed to Heo Yul in front of the goal,

but unfortunately it did not reach Heo Yul properly, the game ended without any additional goals for both teams.

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