롯데자이언츠는 12월 12일부터 2025년 멤버십 신청 접수를 시작합니다.

롯데자이언츠는 12월 12일부터 2025년 멤버십 신청 접수를 시작합니다. 통합 멤버십은 기존 시즌권과 온라인 멤버십을 통합해 시즌권, 선예매 멤버십을 구매할 수 있는 서비스다.

2024시즌 티켓 구매자는 2월 12일부터 2월 19일까지 유선을 통해 2025 통합 멤버십을 신청할 수 있다. 현장 판매는 2월 21일과 2월 22일 오후 2시부터 오후 5시까지 사직야구장 내 2층 1루 매표소에서 실시한다. 또한 온라인 판매는 2월 24일 오후 2시부터 3월 5일 오후 5시까지 진행한다. 파워볼사이트

예매 멤버십은 선예매 혜택을 기본으로 바시티 자켓을 포함한 상품형과 일반형이 있으며, 3월 4일 오후 2시부터 3월 11일 오후 5시까지 판매를 진행한다.

통합 멤버십 구매자에게는 좌석별 구매 상품에 따라 폴딩바스켓, 25시즌권 엠블럼 패치, 로고 배지, 시즌권 카드, 랜야드(스트랩 끈), 좌석 네이밍 스티커와 프로페셔널 유니폼, 어센틱 유니폼, 어센틱 모자, 바시티 자켓을 증정한다. 슬롯사이트

또한 멤버십 고객 모두에게 정규시즌 사직 홈경기에 대한 선예매 혜택이 주어지며, 추후 비시즌 이벤트 행사 관련 선예매 혜택을 제공받는다.

아울러 시즌권 멤버십 고객은 시즌 티켓 라운지 및 전용 게이트로 입장이 가능한 서비스를 받을 수 있으며, 정규시즌 사직 홈경기 메가 이벤트 행사 시 추가요금 없이 스페셜 기프트 혜택을 받을 수 있다.

2025 통합 멤버십에 대한 자세한 내용은 구단 공식 앱 또는 홈페이지에서 확인할 수 있다. 파워볼사이트

지난해 11월, 류중일 감독은 4번 배트를 찾기 위해 고군분투했습니다.

류중일 감독은 지난해 11월 2024 WBSC 프리미어12 대회를 준비하면서 적합한 4번 배트를 찾기 위해 고심하고 있었습니다. 한 경기 승리를 책임질 1선발을 찾는 게 더 급한 일이었지만, 국가대표 4번타자 부재도 꽤 심각한 문제였다.

당시 류중일 전 감독이 고심 끝에 꺼낸 이름이 김도영이었다. 김도영은 지난해 141경기, 타율 0.347(544타수 189안타), 38홈런, 40도루, 109타점, OPS 1.067로 맹활약하며 정규시즌 MVP를 차지했다. 콘택트 능력에 빠른 발, 장타력까지 모두 리그 최정상 기량을 뽐냈다. 체격과 플레이 스타일은 전형적인 4번타자와 거리가 있지만, 순수하게 타격 지표만 봤을 때 프리미어12 최종 엔트리에 든 야수 가운데 김도영을 뛰어넘는 선수는 없었다. 카지노사이트

결국 류 전 감독은 장고 끝에 윤동희(롯데 자이언츠)를 4번타자로 낙점했다. 대회가 열리기 전까지 치른 평가전에서 윤동희가 홈런을 펑펑 치는 등 가장 뜨거운 타격감을 보여줬기 때문. 그러나 윤동희는 4번이란 중압감을 이겨내지 못한 듯 급격히 타격 페이스가 떨어졌고, 결국 대회 중반부터는 문보경이 중책을 대신 맡았다. 문보경은 윤동희보다는 나은 타격을 보여줬지만, 대만과 첫 경기 패배로 대회 탈락이 유력해진 한국팀 분위기를 바꿀 정도의 파괴력을 보여주진 못했다.

KBO는 프리미어12 대회에서도 조별리그 탈락의 수모를 겪고 또 과거 상대적으로 낮은 전력으로 평가했던 대만이 대회 우승을 차지하는 모습을 지켜보며 변화를 꾀했다.

조계현 위원장과 정민철 위원을 제외한 전력강화위원회 구성원에도 변화를 줬다. 최근까지 KBO리그 사령탑으로 활동했던 강인권, 허삼영, 이동욱 위원, 지난해까지 현역으로 뛰고 은퇴한 김강민을 새로 뽑았다. 류중일 전 감독이 물러난 자리에는 류지현 감독을 새로 앉혔다. 선수단 세대교체에 발맞춰 코치진도 젊게 꾸리는 쪽으로 방향을 잡았다. 토토사이트

2026년 3월 열리는 월드베이스볼클래식(WBC)에서 또 다시 1라운드에 탈락하는 수모를 반복하지 않도록 하기 위한 의지였다.

새로운 대표팀은 과거 한국 야구 황금기를 이끈 이승엽(두산 베어스 감독), 이대호(은퇴), 박병호(삼성 라이온즈)의 뒤를 이을 4번타자를 발굴하는 작업을 계속할 전망이다. 대회를 앞두고 김도영을 뛰어넘는 거포가 나오지 않는다면, 실패를 반복할 확률이 높아진다. 20대 젊은 거포들의 성장이 절실하다.

차기 4번타자 유력 후보로는 노시환(한화 이글스)과 강백호(kt 위즈)가 있다. 노시환은 2023년 31홈런-101타점으로 홈런왕과 타점왕을 휩쓸며 젊은 거포의 탄생을 알렸다. 지난해는 타율 0.272(526타수 143안타), 24홈런, 89타점으로 다소 주춤했고, 시즌을 마친 뒤는 부상으로 프리미어12에 출전하지 못했으나 앞으로 계속 한국 타선의 중심을 잡아줘야 할 거포다. 안전놀이터

예비 FA 강백호는 올해 연봉 7억원에 사인했다. 지난해 연봉 2억9000만원에서 무려 4억1000만원이 올랐다. 지난 시즌 144경기에 모두 뛰면서 타율 0.289(550타수 159안타), 26홈런, 96타점, OPS 0.840을 기록하며 천재타자의 부활을 알렸다. 올 시즌 좋은 활약을 펼치면 FA 시장 최대어로 100억원 이상 대형 계약이 예상되는 선수. 동기부여는 충분하다. 강백호는 그동안 출전한 국제대회에서 태도가 문제가 된 적은 있지만, 낯선 공도 곧잘 치며 가능성은 충분히 보여줬다. 지금으로선 노시환과 함께 4번타자 경쟁이 유력하다.

김도영과 노시환, 강백호를 제외한 지난해 20홈런을 달성한 20대 타자로는 김영웅(삼성 라이온즈), 문보경이 있다. 김영웅은 28홈런, 문보경은 22홈런을 기록했다. 이 중 30홈런을 넘긴 타자는 김도영뿐이다. 제2의 이대호, 박병호가 나오기 위해서는 젊은 홈런 타자들이 지금보다 더 많아져야 한다. 김도영이라는 여러모로 쓰임새가 많은 선수로 급한 불을 끄려 하는 일이 반복돼선 안 된다. 소액결제 현금화

K-League 1 Seoul Renews Contract with MF Palosevic Reunion

K-League 1 Seoul Renews Contract with MF Palosevic Reunion with Director Kim Ki-Dong

FC Seoul of professional soccer K League 1 announced on the 4th that it has signed a new contract with midfielder Palosevic.

Palosevic, from Serbia, is a ‘long-serving foreign player’ who has played five seasons in K League 1 since 2019.

He recorded 19 goals and 10 assists in 38 league games for the Pohang Steelers in the 2019-2020 season, and from 2021,

he played in 107 games for Seoul, scoring 19 goals and 7 assists. 카지노사이트 추천

Palosevic is working with coach Kim Ki-dong, who was with him during his Pohang days,

once again as he takes charge of Seoul this season.

In addition to Palosevic, Ilyuchenko, who currently plays for Seoul,

also stood tall as a top foreign player under the guidance of Coach Kim Ki-dong in Pohang,

so Seoul expects that those with a high understanding of coach Kim’s tactics will serve as a stepping stone for another leap forward.

Palosevic said, “I really wanted to stay in Seoul, and I am very happy that I can continue to accompany them.

I am very grateful for the love my fans have given me over the past three years,” and added,

“I will make my fans happy with better results than now.”

He expressed his feelings.

The Seoul team will convene at GS Champions Park in Guri on the 5th,

will conduct the first winter training camp in Hua Hin, Thailand from the 9th to the 28th of this month

Tottenham is on the hunt for a teenage ‘wonderkid’

Tottenham is on the hunt for a teenage ‘wonderkid’.

Tottenham are interested in signing teenage wonderkid Michael Kayode (Fiorentina) for £33.8 million, according to British media outlet The Boot.

The 2004-born defender is a highly sought-after defensive talent around the world. Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), Man City, FC Barcelona, and others are reportedly interested. He made 26 appearances in the Italian Serie A in the 2023-2024 season.

Tottenham are also in the race to sign Kayode. Spurs, 안전놀이터 추천 led by manager Enze Postecoglou, finished fifth in the English Premier League (EPL) in 2023-2024 with 20 wins, 6 draws, and 12 losses (66 points). They punched their ticket to European competition next season.

The club is now looking to strengthen its squad to reach even higher heights.

‘Spurs need the full support of chairman Daniel Levy if they want to go to the next level,’ says The Bootroom. Spurs have made contact to sign the talented defender. Kayode has been described as a wonderkid. He had a productive season in Serie A last season, leading the team. His current transfer fee is reportedly £33.8 million. That’s not cheap. However, Tottenham are the favorites to sign Kayode. Fiorentina said, ‘We expect a bid to come in soon’.

There are question marks. ‘Tottenham should prioritize the signing of a striker,’ says Dubutrum. They should focus on securing a replacement for Harry Kane (Bayern Munich). There’s a possibility that the Frenchman could leave. The club should sign a striker who can take the team to the next level. At the moment, they are relying too much on Son Heung-min. Son Heung-min scored 17 goals and provided 10 assists in 35 league games last season. 카지노사이트 추천 He also played as a frontline striker depending on the team’s situation.

This is a ‘sweet red bean bread’.

This is a ‘sweet red bean bread’.

“Kylian Mbappe (26) will not participate in Real Madrid’s U.S. tour,” the British ‘Tribuna’ reported on the 24th (Korea time).

Real Madrid announced through official channels on the 4th that “Kylian Mbappe has agreed to sign a contract with Real Madrid. Kylian Mbappe will be a Real Madrid player for the next five years,” the club announced on its official website.

“We strengthen our offense with the signing of Mbappe, a six-time top scorer at PSG last season, where he set a new single-season record for goals (44),” Real added.

Mbappe is a breakout star for the French national team. 스포츠토토 He can play as a wing-forward or up front, and has all the necessary attributes to do so, including great pace, quickness, and a powerful shot.

With Mbappe, Real Madrid is preparing for an extravagant signing ceremony.

Real Madrid is known for its ‘signing ceremonies’. When Cristiano Ronaldo joined Real from Manchester United in July 2009, more than 80,000 fans packed the Santiago Bernabeu stadium for his inauguration, while the arrivals of Gareth Bale and Eden Hazard were also celebrated in front of record crowds.

After a history of big-name signings, it seems that Real have really gone for it this time. “According to multiple sources in Spain, Real Madrid is planning a history-making induction ceremony at the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu,” the media outlet reported earlier.

“The club is expected to announce Mbappe’s arrival with a brief official announcement on its website, social media and other official channels. His induction ceremony is expected to take place only after France has completed its UEFA Euro 2024 schedule,” the report added.

The problem is a broken nose. Mbappe, who entered the tournament as France’s first-choice striker, suffered a fractured nose in the first leg against Austria. He then missed the second game against the Netherlands.

Mbappe is not completely out of the Euro picture.

Like Son Heung-min at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, he will play with a face mask. In fact, he’s reportedly been training with one as well.

He”ll be fine for Europe, but will miss the tour of the United States. The injury to his nose was literally painful. “Thanks to the protective mask, he will be able to play, but he will need medical attention,” Tribuna reported.

On the same day, Spain’s As reported that “Mbappe is scheduled to undergo nose surgery in mid-July, with recovery usually taking two to three weeks. As a result, 토토사이트 순위 he will not be able to participate in the US tour. He is expected to return in time for the UEFA Super Cup before the start of the season.”

The Hungarian national team scored a stoppage-time winner

“Dominic Soboszlai (24, Liverpool) showed real leadership,” said the British publication Tribuna on Thursday.

He may be the youngest captain, but he’s certainly earned the title.

The Hungarian national team scored a stoppage-time winner to secure a 1-0 victory over Scotland in their final Euro2024 Group A match at the Stuttgart Arena in Stuttgart, Germany, at 4 a.m. on Thursday.

Hungary, who finished third in the group behind fellow group members Germany (2 wins, 1 draw, 7 points) and Switzerland (1 win, 2 draws, 5 points), will now depend on the results of the other group matches to determine their place in the round of 16. The first and second place finishers in each group, as well as the best four of the six third-placed nations, will also qualify.

Scotland failed to make it out of the group stage, 안전놀이터 finishing in last place (D1, L2, P1) without a single point in the tournament.

Hungary lined up in a 3-4-2-1 formation on the day.

Varanavas Varga was up front, with Dominic Soboslai-Roland Salai in the attacking second line. Milos Kerkez-Undrash Schaefer-Callum Stiles-Bendeguz-Bowler filled out the midfield. Marton Dardewey-Bili Orban-Endre Boatker formed the back four, with Peter Gulacci starting in goal.

The first half was dominated by Hungary, but goals were hard to come by. Despite five shots on goal, none were on target. Scotland didn’t have a single shot on target. In the 41st minute, Orbán had a header off a free kick that hit the post.

Hungary continued to attack in the second half.

In the 23rd minute of the second half, there was a mishap on a free kick opportunity. Frontline striker Varga collided with opposing goalkeeper Gunn and was knocked unconscious. The situation was urgent.

The medical team’s slow movement was frustrating. Varga, lying on the ground, was given first aid by team captain Soboszlai before being loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. In the 29th minute of the second half, Hungary substituted Ulsan HD forward Martin Adam for Varga.

Hungary managed to pull a goal back.

On a counterattack just before the end of the game, “substitute” Kevin Choszos got his foot on a cross from the right and fired the ball home. The game ended the same way. A 1-0 win for Hungary.

Tribuna said: “There was a terrible moment in the Hungary-Scotland game. Varga collapsed unconscious. Varga’s teammates called for help from the medical staff and the captain, Soboszlai, took the stretcher himself and helped the medics get to his teammate.”

After the game, the Hungarian Football Association announced that Varga was stabilized. However, the broken bone will require surgery and he is expected to miss the rest of the Euros.

Meanwhile, Soboszlai, born in 2000, is the youngest captain in Euro history at 23 years old. Ahead of the tournament, Sly said: “We have nothing to lose. 슬롯사이트 순위 But we can achieve great things in Germany,” he said, adding that despite being the underdogs, he was confident they could pull off a miracle.

“A few days ago I found out that I am the youngest captain in the history of this tournament. I want to thank coach Marco Rossi for believing in me and giving me the opportunity,” he said, adding: “It’s a great honor for me. It’s a great honor for me.”

The Hungarian players, rallying around Soboszlyi, raised Varga’s jersey after the match and wished him a speedy recovery.

The reigning champions are looking to strengthen their squad

After winning the English Premier League (EPL) title for the last four seasons in a row, the reigning champions are looking to strengthen their squad in the summer transfer window. They’re spending a whopping £100 million to bring in a quality midfielder. Newcastle United midfielder Bruno Guimaraes, who is entering the final season of his contract, is one of Pep Guardiola’s top targets.

‘Man City are ready to make a move for the £100 million midfielder, who has been earmarked by Guardiola,’ according to British publication Cut Offside on April 24 (KST).

City are arguably the ‘best team of the moment’. They have won the EPL title in four consecutive seasons, starting with the 2020-2021 campaign. 카지노사이트 In the 2022-2023 season, they won the triple (EPL, FA Cup, and Champions League). The likes of Liverpool and Arsenal have tried to stop City from winning the title, but have always fallen short. The competition has been fierce, but City has always come out on top.

That’s why City is looking to “upgrade” this summer in the transfer market.

If all goes according to plan, they will be unstoppable in the EPL. They’re not just the best in the EPL, they’re the best in the universe. They already have one of the best midfielders in the world in Kevin De Bruyne, and with the addition of Guimaraes, they’ll have a formidable midfield.

The outlet cited a report from GiveMeSports that said: ‘Man City are preparing to sign Guimarães. It is expected to further strengthen the squad. Guimarães, a Brazilian specialist midfielder, signed a new five-year contract with Newcastle last year. His contract runs until 2028 and was thought to be off-limits.

However, Guimarães had a £100 million buyout clause. It was to be activated in June. City wanted to activate this clause and integrate him into the squad immediately. More importantly, Guardiola wants him badly.

If City make a move, Newcastle will have a hard time stopping it. Newcastle are aware of this. Of course, Guimarães wants to stay at Newcastle. However, if City meet his release clause of £100 million, he’ll have no choice but to move on. Also, 실시간 바카라사이트 the prospect of playing for a team that competes for the EPL title every season and plays in the Champions League could be enough to change his mind. It will be interesting to see if City can complete their dream midfield pairing of ‘The Browner-Guimarães’.

Bruno Fernandes is facing problems with teammate

Bruno Fernandes (29, Man United) is allegedly not getting along with the Portuguese attacking lineup.

“Manchester United midfielder Bruno Fernandes is facing problems with teammate Cristiano Ronaldo at the Euros,” reported ‘Strictly News’ on July 23 (KST).

The Portuguese national team defeated the Turkiye 3-0 in their UEFA Euro 2024 Group F second leg at BVB Stadion Dortmund in Dortmund, Germany, at 1:00 a.m. on June 23.

Portugal lined up in a 4-2-3-1 formation. Cristiano Ronaldo lined up up front, with Japhael Leroy-Bruno Fernandes-Bernardo Silva in the attacking second line. 바카라사이트 João Palinha-Vitinha filled out the midfield, while Nuno Mendes-Pepe-Hubeng Dias-Juan Cancellu formed the back four. Diogo Costa was in goal.

Portugal’s first goal came in the 22nd minute, when a low, quick cross from the left flank was not cleared by the defense and fell to Silva in the box, who found the back of the net with a precise left-footed shot.

Luck was on Portugal’s side.

In the 28th minute, Thurquié seemed to have escaped the danger after a crucial mistake by Portugal. Center back Samet Akaydin collected the ball and played it to goalkeeper Bayindre. However, Bayindre was far away from the goal and Akaydin’s attempted pass to the goalkeeper went straight into the net.

Ten minutes into the second half, Portugal scored their third goal, effectively sealing the victory. A one-timed ball in from behind was collected by Ronaldo, who broke the offside trap, and played a pass to Bruno Fernandes, who rushed in from the other side and made no mistake.

The game ended 3-0 in favor of Portugal.

Ronaldo played the full time and had 30 touches of the ball. He also added one assist, three chances created, eight touches in the opponent’s box, and two successful dribbles, proving that he is still a force to be reckoned with up front.

At 39 years old, 바카라사이트 추천 Ronaldo also seems to have lost some of the ‘greed’ he has been known for, as he neatly added an assist in the closing stages of the game, passing to Bruno who was in a better position to shoot when he had plenty of options.

“Ronaldo’s seventh assist of the tournament made him the most prolific Euro player of all time,” said The Athletic. Instead of shooting, he opted for a perfect pass.”

Ronaldo’s assist, Portugal’s big win, and Bruno’s goal.

Reports began to surface that something was wrong with the seemingly perfect Portuguese team.

According to Strait News, it was Portuguese daily newspaper Observador that first reported the news. “Bruno and Ronaldo are facing one problem at the tournament: the attacking midfielder is having problems with Ronaldo’s lack of pace,” the publication said.

Portugal coach Roberto Martinez has been playing Ronaldo up front and Bruno as an attacking midfielder in the tournament, with Bruno’s role being to play passes up front. But at 39 years old, Ronaldo’s feet have slowed down and this is causing problems.

“This problem, which often occurred when they were playing together at Manchester United, is now happening in the national team,” the outlet said. “Bernardo Silva is not as explosive and Ronaldo no longer has the pace he once had. Raphael Varane likes to drive the ball forward himself,” he said.

“All of this creates problems for Bruno. He likes to rush forward quickly,” 파워볼실시간 explaining that Bruno and the Portuguese offense are not a good match.

“Nevertheless, Ronaldo provided Bruno with an assist and Portugal took the two games without any problems. They will advance to the next round.”

The Spanish team is facing a “dilemma of epic proportions”

The Spanish national team is facing a “dilemma of epic proportions,” and some say it doesn’t matter.

“Spanish national team could be breaking strict German laws in their match against Albania, which could lead to unprecedentedly large penalties,” the UK’s Sports Bible reported on Thursday.

The Spanish national team will be looking to win the European Football Association (UEFA) Euro 2024. They thrashed powerhouse Croatia 3-0 in the first round of group play, and followed that up with a 1-0 win over defending champions Italy in the second round on June 21.

All that remains is a third-round match against Albania. 토토사이트 There were reports that there could be trouble in this match. One of the issues was the age of Ramin Yamal.

Yamal is a young player, born in 2007, who plays as a flanker for FC Barcelona. With solid fundamentals and mature individual skills, he torments opposing defenses with his fluid dribbling down the flanks. He also has a powerful shot and plays a big role in the team for his age.

According to reports,

Germany has a law that prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from working after 8 p.m., regardless of nationality. The law is meant to protect young workers, and soccer players are no exception.

“There is an exception that allows athletes to play until 11 p.m., but that exception must include time to shower and complete media obligations,” the media outlet reported, citing Germany’s Bild. If Yamal started and played the full time against Albania, showered, and gave an interview, it would be past 11 p.m. local time, which would be illegal.

As Sports Bible notes, “Yamal started both Euro games. In both games, he was subbed off early. Spain’s qualifying game goes to overtime and Yamal is playing in the wings, 안전놀이터 he’s in a difficult position to comply with the law. If that happens, he could be sanctioned.”

“If the German authorities take action, Spain would have to pay a fine of 30,000 euros ($44.7 million),” it added.

“However, some believe that this is just a ‘threat’ and is unlikely to be carried out. It would be surprising if the German authorities took action against the Spanish national team, as it is not as if Yamal is being victimized without receiving proper welfare.”

Meanwhile, Yamal is reportedly working on his schoolwork during his stay in Germany.

“I don’t know how many hours I study, I have a lot of free time, so I don’t have a set time, like ‘at least two hours today!'” he said.

“If I don’t have anything to do in my room, I’ll do some homework on my tablet, and if Fermin calls me to play games, I’ll go downstairs with them,” he said.

“Do I take tests? No. I just look at the material I get on the tablet, print it out and do the problems. They’ll probably send me my transcript online. I don’t know how far I’ll go in the Euros, but I hope I go far. I don’t want to go back and take classes again.”

“If we make it to the finals, 사설 토토사이트 I’m going to go straight on vacation without going back to school,” adds Yamal.

Its ‘Beginner Head Coach’ FC Anyang Yoo Byeong-hoon

‘Beginner Head Coach’ FC Anyang Yoo Byeong-hoon “Challenges for Promotion to the First Division with Leading Soccer”

Promoted from head coach and ready for the new season… “I really want to win the ‘Jijidae derby’ with Suwon.”

FC Anyang, the ‘Teojudaegam’ who has been with the team since the beginning of professional soccer K-League 2, is burning its will to achieve the dream of its first promotion this year with coach Yoo Byung-hoon, a leader who is a ‘novice coach’ but knows the team well.

Coach Yoo said at the K-League winter training media camp held at the Namhae General Social Welfare Center in Gyeongsangnam-do on the 13th, “Anyang should be a team that goes beyond the playoffs and challenges promotion,” and added, “Let the viewers clearly understand our play and let the fans know what to expect.” 파워볼게임

“Our goal this season is to get promoted with decent performances,” he said.

Anyang, which has participated since 2013, the first year of K-League 2, has consistently ranked in the upper-middle tier, but has never been promoted, including losing to Suwon Samsung in the 2022 promotion playoff (PO) and turning back at the threshold.

Last year, they finished 6th in the K League 2 regular league and failed to even enter the playoffs.

Former coach Lee Woo-hyung (currently the club’s technical director) stepped down and former head coach Yoo Byeong-hoon took over the baton this year.

Coach Yoo, who played as a defender for the Daewoo Royals as a player, has a long experience as a coach, starting with Anyang in 2013 and working his way through Asan Mugunghwa, Seoul E-Land, and the U-19 national team.

Most of his coaching career was spent in Anyang.

Coach Yoo said, “It is a personal honor to take on the first managerial position at Anyang, where I have been with the team since its inception,” and added, “I am preparing to play ‘leading football’ by developing what I inherited from former manager Lee Woo-hyung’s system and adding my own color to it.”

Specifically, he said, “We are emphasizing that the offense should be done quickly and concisely based on short passes, and the defense should be solid,” and that “for that to happen, the balance of offense and defense must be right.”

Anyang, who recruited seasoned defender Kim Young-chan, striker Yoo Jeong-wan, new Brazilian striker Dan Lei, and midfielder Matheus from K League 2, conducted field training in Chonburi, Thailand last month and then began final preparations, including practice games, in Namhae from the beginning of this month. It continues.

Coach Yoo confessed, “After becoming a coach, I was at a loss as to how to start,” and added, “I contacted director Lee Woo-hyung and other team coaches to get advice, and senior players, led by captain Lee Chang-yong, helped set the tone well.”

“I was able to overcome it by going through the first training well,” he explained.

He said, “Anyang is a team prepared enough that it would not be surprising if they were promoted right away,” and added, “As we had a particularly difficult time last year due to failure in injury management, I want to challenge for promotion this year with thorough injury management, health, and fierce internal competition.”

Coach Yoo, who evaluated Suwon Samsung, Busan I-Park, and Seoul E-Land as the ‘Top 3’ of K League 2 this season, predicted that Anyang will compete in the playoffs with Gyeongnam FC, Bucheon FC, and Seongnam FC.

At the same time, he expressed great expectations for the ‘Jijidae derby’ with Suwon.

The support derby, which originated from the confrontation between Suwon and Anyang LG in the 1990s, was fiercely fought until the early 2000s and was only held occasionally in the Korea Football Association (FA) Cup or promotion/relegation PO.

I was able to do it.

Coach Yoo expressed his determination, saying, “I’ve played the support team derby four times as a coach, but I haven’t won a single one yet.

I really want to win against Suwon this year.”

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