Yoo Yoo-sang hits 5 3-pointers…LG rides 6-game winning streak, KCC falls to KOGAS

유기상 3점슛 5개 적중…6연승 달린 LG, KCC는 한국가스공사에 덜미(종합) - 일간스포츠

Changwon LG and Busan KCC had mixed results in the spring basketball season. While LG easily swept aside Goyang Sono behind a strong performance from ‘rookie’ Yoo Yoo-sang to stay in second place, KCC failed to secure a spot in the playoffs (PO) as they were swept by Daegu Korea Gas Corporation.

LG won their 2023-24 regular season game against Sono 95-64 on Friday at the Sono Arena in Goyang. It was LG’s sixth straight victory over SONO and its sixth straight win in its last seven games. With 31 wins (17 losses), LG maintained second place in the standings, one game ahead of Suwon KT.

The two teams battled for points through the first quarter, thanks to their high field goal percentage. They exchanged offensive firepower, with both teams shooting over 57 percent from three-point range. LG’s Lee Kwan-hee and Yoo Yoo-sang, and SONO’s Jeon Sung-hyun.

The balance was tipped in the second quarter. LG bounced back and extended their lead behind the play of Justin Gutang and Yang Jun-seok. SONO took 10 three-pointers in the second quarter, but all of them missed the rim.

The second half was no different. Sono Chinanu Onuaku left the court midway through the third quarter with five fouls. LG maintained its lead, extending it to 22 points at one point. With the game tipping in their favor early on, the two captains spent the remainder of the game with their entire roster on the court. For LG, Yoo Yoo-sang led the way with 17 points, including five three-pointers. Asem Marey (13 points, 10 rebounds), Lee Kwan-hee (13 points), and Yang Hong-seok (12 points, 8 rebounds) chipped in.

SONO got 26 points and five steals from Lee Jung-hyun, but it wasn’t enough to turn the tide. Onuaku (9 points, 11 rebounds), who scored 40 points in the previous game, was quiet.

On the same day, KCC and KOGAS played at Daegu Gymnasium, with the home team winning 99-85. Andrew Nicholson, who returned from injury in the previous game, exploded for 32 points to lead the ‘Super Team’ to victory. Samjosef Belangel chipped in with 10 points and five assists. Shin Seung-min (14 points, 5 rebounds) was also solid until he was injured in the third quarter, leaving the court after grabbing his lower back.

The balance between the two teams, who combined for 53 points in the first quarter, tipped in favor of the home team in the second quarter. While KCC’s perimeter was silent, KOGC overwhelmed the visitors with high field goal percentage. Nicholson poured in eight points, including two three-pointers, while Samjosef Belangel paced KCC with six points on 100 percent shooting from the field.

KCC responded with 10 points from Laguna in the third quarter, but Nicholson answered with 14 points to keep the score close.

With the score still in double digits at the start of the fourth quarter, KCC coach Jeon Chang-jin pulled Ragan-ah, Heo Woong, and Lee Seung-hyun, effectively raising the white flag.

KCC, which lost its second straight game, dropped its 22nd straight game (25 points). The gap between them and seventh-place KOGAS is six games, so they are still out of the POs.

KOGAS reached the 20-win plateau for the seventh time this season.


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