‘They haven’t forgotten’ Kim Min-jae picks world’s No. 1 center back -> 2023 Serie A best player

Foreign media are praising Kim Min-jae (28, Bayern Munich). Earlier on the 25th (Korea Standard Time), a global sports media outlet, selected Kim Min-jae as the top five center backs in the world in 2023 (Korea Standard Time). The media outlet said, “The days when center backs were only defending have passed. In modern soccer, a center back requires excellent technical skills, ability to guard the ball, and tactical understanding to solve the game,” adding that Kim Min-jae is the best center back equipped with all of them.

In the meantime, Sportskida said, “Modern center backs should play a kind of ‘tooth wheel’ in the build-up process. When you start an attack from the back, you need to be able to skillfully keep the ball and pass it accurately, and you need to have a sharp understanding of location selection,” adding that Kim Min-jae is a player who has all of them. “Kim Min-jae has shown remarkable performance in leading Napoli to victory in Italian Serie A for the first time in 33 years in the 2022-23 season,” the media said. “He is the best player not only physically, but also mentally, such as skill and composure. He is widely known as one of the best center backs of the current era.”

“Kim Min-jae joined Bayern Munich in Germany this summer, and he has already become an indispensable player on the starting list, and he is constantly making high-quality contributions to the team,” the media outlet said. “He is not only excellent in his defensive ability to organize the back, but he is also showing leadership that greatly contributes to the team.” This kind of assessment is all the more impressive when looking at the other players’ faces. The rest of the top 5 players are second-ranked Hoobeng Diaz of Manchester City, third-ranked David Alaba of Real Madrid, fourth-ranked William Saliba of Arsenal, and fifth-ranked Virgil van Dijk of Liverpool, who are considered the best center backs in the world at this point. 안전 토토사이트

The result is all the more impressive as Kim Min-jae was evaluated as the world’s best player, beating all these world-class defenders. The praise for Kim is not limited to just his position. Italian media outlet “Caltzio Piollet” selected Kim Min-jae as the best player in Serie A in 2023. The media outlet said, “The best player in Serie A in 2023 is Kim Min-jae. Let’s look back on Kim Min-jae’s 2023 together, from his brilliant victory in the Neapolitan uniform to his transfer to Bayern Munich.”

“The year 2023 has been a successful year for both Kim Min-jae and his teammates. Kim Min-jae came to Naples almost by accident, but opportunities often work strangely. And that opportunity has made Kim one of the most important players in Naples’ history,” he said, believing that Kim Min-jae will remain a key player in Naples’ history. Earlier, Napoli achieved its long-cherished dream title in 33 years after recruiting Kim Min-jae from Turkiye Fenerbahce ahead of the 2022-23 season. Last season, he demonstrated his perfect strength in offense and defense and achieved an overwhelming victory by dominating the team as the best in Europe, referring to the fact that Kim Min-jae was at the center.

The rave reviews were not the end. “Kim Min-jae was one of the most decisive players in the history of the club,” said Calcio Piolet. “The Monster 2023 was definitely a success,” adding, “It completely changed the perception of Napoli fans that it would be impossible to find a replacement for Kalidou Koulibaly.” Kim showed off his physical and technical skills from his first appearance. He was also seen in matches against rivals such as AC Milan and Juventus. Napoli got the opportunity to have the world’s most important defender,” he said, adding that he was lucky to have Kim Min-jae be with Napoli to win the 2022-23 season.

The media outlet also said, “Kim Min-jae had a season that transcended logic in Naples. It was also such a surprise that fans felt when he left Naples for Munich to find his chance after the end of the season,” adding, “Kim Min-jae has left such a legacy that not only the current players in Naples but also players who will come to Naples will not have. It is a huge legacy that is too big for the current defense to handle and will continue to do so. What Kim Min-jae has accomplished in Serie A in just one year was unprecedented.”

Finally, the media outlet said, “Kim Min-jae’s performance made it clear to everyone that he could leave Naples. Bayern Munich paid 50 million euros (about 72 billion won) for a buyout transfer,” adding, “The transfer to Munich made Kim Min-jae’s feat even greater. Fans must have felt the same way as fans of Fenerbahce before seeing the most powerful defender in the club’s history leave Naples for Munich,” explaining Kim Min-jae’s move to Bundesliga after defeating Turkiye and Serie A.

For this overall reason, the media did not hesitate to name Kim Min-jae as the best player in Serie A. This means that the team that has already left, and even though it is the honor of the 2022-23 season that has already passed, Italy still misses Kim Min-jae. In addition, he highly appreciated his performance to the extent that he highlighted Kim Min-jae as the best player and selected Kim Min-jae as the player representing the period of the league.

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