Samsung Electronics held its first Samsung Health Partner Day event, Tuesday, to share its digital health care vision with health care companies, medical institutions and other partners.By holding the event, the company said it aims to strengthen the ecosystem for health care products such as the Galaxy Ring wearable smart ring product and the Samsung Health platform.For this first-ever health care market-related meeting with industry leaders, Samsung invited over 200 industry officials, including those representing health care companies, medical institutions and investment firms, to Seongnam, on the outskirts of Seoul.
“At the event, Samsung shared its digital health care vision with partners and discussed collaboration plans to expand the ecosystem of the Samsung Health management platform,” the company said, adding it will beef up open collaboration with them to create a digital health care ecosystem.Under its Connected Care vision, which connects mobile products, services and people, Samsung supports users’ healthy lives through Samsung Health in areas such as sleep, exercise, diet and mental health.To expand the related ecosystem, Samsung introduced the Samsung Health software development kit for software developers and held discussions at the event on the role of AI in the health care market. Additionally, examples of collaboration in areas such as sleep, sports tech, medical AI and blood glucose management were introduced, the company 메이저 added.
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