Kim Jung-yong is leaving the organization for the last time

The Samsung Lions’ Gyeongsan Ballpark “father figure,” Kim Jung-yong, who oversaw everyone from Park Chung-sik’s 181-pitch, 15-inning gem in Game 3 of the 1993 Korean Series to 2023 first-rounder Lee Ho-sung, is leaving the organization for the last time this month.

Kim started with the Samsung Lions in 1991 as a dugout recorder under Chung Dong-jin, then became a scout and then the first manager of Gyeongsan Ballpark in 1992. After briefly leaving the team during the IMF financial crisis, he returned as a dormitory manager in 2001 under Kim Eung-ryong, and has been an integral part of the Lions’ history.

“I’ve been here (at Gyeongsan Ballpark) for a long time and it’s very emotional to be back home,” Kim said. “It’s not because I did a good job, 바카라사이트 it’s because our players did a good job. If they had done something, I would have been in the middle of it. They did a great job,” he said.

Kim Jung-yong, who has seen a lot of athletes in his long tenure as a dormitory supervisor

He remembers Rehabilitation Army Coach Jung Hyun-wook the most. “It’s special to have worked with Coach Jung for so long. When I was a rookie, I can still see how he trained at night even when no one asked him to and always worked hard,” he said.

Late last month, Samsung players, including captain Koo Ja-rook, presented a plaque of appreciation to Kim Jong-yong, who was one of the founding fathers of Gyeongsan Ballpark. The players also posted a group photo of themselves with Kim on social media.

“I didn’t expect it, but I’m so grateful that the players took care of the plaque. It was a rewarding moment,” said Kim.

Although he is stepping down as the Gyeongsan Ballpark manager, Kim’s love for the Lions remains unchanged. “When I first took over, the players were my brother’s age, but now they’re my grandchildren’s age,” he said with a laugh, adding, “I’m leaving the team, but as a Lions fan, I’m going to support them hard.”

“I hope our players stay healthy and do well for a long time without getting sick,” Kim said sincerely.

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