Coach Wi Sung-woo is blocked by coach Jeon Ju-won, and coach Lim Young-hee is blocked by coach Jeon Ju-won

On the afternoon of the 16th, the match between Woori Bank and Samsung Life Insurance of Shinhan Bank SOL 2022-2023 Women’s Professional Basketball was held at Asan Yi Sun-shin Gymnasium in Chungcheongnam-do.

It was tight from the beginning because it was a showdown between No. 1 Woori Bank and No. 2 Samsung Life Insurance. Woori Bank, which had a one-point lead of 22-21 in the first quarter, took a lead of 41-31 thanks to Na Yoon-jung’s consecutive three-point shots in the second quarter and Choi Yi-sam, Park Hye-jin, and Kim Jong-un’s performances.

Before the start of the third quarter, there was an interesting scene on Woori Bank’s bench. Coach Jeon Joo-won showed a scene of defending with one arm raised in front of coach Wi Sung-woo, and a moment later, coach Lim Young-hee showed a defensive movement by raising his arm in front of coach Jeon Joo-won again. 스포츠토토탑

After a while, coach Jeon Ju-won again made a scene of defending with both arms raised in front of coach Wi Sung-woo. However, director Wi Sung-woo’s eyes were on something else.

Coach Wi Sung-woo and coach Jeon Ju-won have been working together as coaches and coaches at Woori Bank since 2012. We’ve been working together for 10 years, so we talk a lot, but we know what we need just by looking at our eyes.

In the third quarter, Samsung Life Insurance’s Lee Ju-yeon, Kim Dan-bi and Kiana narrowed the score to 47-50 three points.

After a neck-and-neck race in the fourth quarter, Woori Bank’s Kim Jong-un scored 10 points to widen the gap. Woori Bank won 64-63 and firmly maintained its top spot with 13 wins and 1 loss with 10 consecutive runs, while Samsung Life Insurance tied for second place with BNK as its three-game winning streak was cut off.

4 thoughts on “Coach Wi Sung-woo is blocked by coach Jeon Ju-won, and coach Lim Young-hee is blocked by coach Jeon Ju-won

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