Gaming Realms, which provides mobile-focused gaming content, has expanded its presence within Keystone State after filming content live with leading operator Bally’s Interactive.
Bally’s Interactive recently entered the Pennsylvania market and this latest partnership enables Gaming Realms to deliver its world-famous title to its player base, including Slingo Extreme Games.
Across the United States, the provider’s vast portfolio of slingo titles has proven popular by combining elements related to slots and bingo to create a unique gameplay experience.
The partnership with Bally’s Interactive follows the recent expansion of the gaming kingdom in regulatory markets around the world, which could expand in Pennsylvania and spur further growth across the United States, which has become a key area for studios. 슬롯머신
“We’re excited to partner with Bali’s Interactive, a well-known and well-established brand in the United States,” said Craig Falciglia, head of business development at Gaming Rerms. “Our high-quality portfolio includes recognized brands and several titles that benefit from leveraging IP, which will deliver players a familiar experience and, in turn, increase Bali’s acquisition and retention in Pennsylvania.
“Bringing our slingo game to Bali is a great achievement, and it will allow more American players than ever to participate in our fans’ favorite games.”